set urban jungle de 4 plantas de interior set de 4 plantas de interior yuca elephantipes pachira beaucarnea ficus bonsai
set urban jungle de 4 plantas de interior set de 4 plantas de interior yuca elephantipes pachira beaucarnea ficus bonsai
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A super interesting set of plants to create a super green space at home with: Yucca, Pachira, Beaucarnea and Ficus bonsai. Go green with this urban jungle kit!

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€ 59,95
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set of 4 green houseplants

A set of 4 green houseplants with a straight-stemmed Yucca, a braided-stemmed Pachira, a Beaucarnea growing from a tuber and a bonsai-like Ficus, called 'Gin Seng'. This tropical mix of plants is hardy and will create a true urban jungle at your home in no time!

ficus bonsai

The green leaves of this ficus or commonly known as weeping fig are really beautiful. This green plant has been one of the most popular green plants for years. It's also called small leaf fig and always has a small trunk. This type of plant is easy to care of and it grows quite fast.

yucca elephantipes

The Yucca grows in the dry areas of Central and North America. It is widely seen throughout our country, as it is quite well adapted to our climate. The Yucca elephantipes has elongated dark green leaves growing from a stalk. It likes heat and tolerates drought quite well.


The Pachira is native to Central and South America. There it grows in swamps and river mouths with varying water levels. In these areas the tree can grow up to 20 metres high. The Pachira aquatica has rather narrow stems for the height the plants can reach. This version has braided stems. The 5 green leaves grow star-shaped at the ends of long stems and are narrow and oblong.


The Elephant foot tree or also known as the Beaucarnea Recurvata is a plant or tree with its origin in Central America. In these areas the trees can reach great heights. This hardy plant attracts attention and has great ornamental value because of its narrow, long, bright green leaves.

plant dimensions and properties

ficus bonsai yucca pachira beaucarnea
  • pot size: 12cm Ø
  • height: 30-40cm ↕
  • quantity: 1
  • color: green
  • pot size: 12cm Ø
  • height: 30-40cm ↕
  • quantity: 1
  • color: green
  • pot size: 12cm Ø
  • height: 30-40cm ↕
  • quantity: 1
  • color: green
  • pot size: 12cm Ø
  • height: 30-40cm ↕
  • quantity: 1
  • color: green

care tips

All these plants come from the tropics and like a lot of light. Direct sunlight on the leaves can be harmful. Water them regularly, in the winter 1 time a week and during summer 2-3 times a week, but of course, certainly not too much. Add some plant nutrition once a year in spring or summer.

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ideal place ideal place
indirect sunlight, partial shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, office

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week