Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails dimensiones
Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails Stipa tenuissima ponytails dimensiones
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This beautiful plant, Stipa tenuissima 'pony tails', owes its name to the appearance of its leaves, reminiscent of a horse's tail.

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Stock : 23


stipa tenuissima ponytails

Stipa tenuissima 'Ponytails' is also known as feather grass is a fine ornamental grass, with upright growth to a maximum height of 80 cm. The leaves have a very fine, almost hair-like texture with a green colour that can change to light brown.

dimensions & properties

amount: 2. Colour plant: green, beige with shades of brown and red.

altura      25-30cm
ancho      20-25cm
tamaño maceta      17cm Ø

care tips

'Pony Tails' likes a sunny spot best, but can also survive just fine in a semi-shaded spot.

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ideal location ideal location
terrace, balcony, garden, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
medium high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
safe for children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1-2 times a week (2 in summer)