monstera obliqua monstera obliqua monstera monkey leaf deco hojas monstera obliqua monstera obliqua hojas monstera monkey leaf monstera obliqua dimensiones
monstera obliqua monstera obliqua monstera monkey leaf deco hojas monstera obliqua monstera obliqua hojas monstera monkey leaf monstera obliqua dimensiones
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This Monkey leaf plant is a source of inspiration in the world of fashion and art. It's one of the most wanted house plants at the moment!

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monstera obliqua

Do you want a Monstera like this one? Discover the Monstera Obliqua (the Monkey Leaf plant). Let this climbing houseplant grow in your home, creating an urban jungle. Put it for example in your living room or bedroom. But it also likes to grow outside in more warmer areas at your patio or on a balcony in the shade.

dimensions & properties

This 25 centimetres tall Monstera Obliqua and its 12 centimetres pot was born in a first class nursery called 'Van der Arend Plantcenter' in the Dutch town of Naaldwijk.

color plant: green leaves

altura      20-25cm
ancho      20-30cm
tamaño maceta      12cm Ø

care tips

This monstera can grow well in low light rooms, so it is often seen in shady or poorly lit corners. This plant is happy when kept in a warm place and likes humidity, but it is not a very demanding plant either. You shouldn't water it too much, once a week in summer is enough and once every 10 to 14 days in winter a good splash of water and your Monkey leaf plant will be super happy.

diferences between the monsteras

The Monstera Obliqua is very similar to the Monstera Adansonii, but the former has leaves of a thickness comparable to paper. The Monstera Adansonii, on the other hand, has a slightly coarser and rougher texture.

Another plant from the same family is the Monstera Deliciosa, the big difference between the deliciosa and the Monstera Obliqua is the size of the leaves and the holes. The leaves of Monstera Obliqua have smaller leaves, more holes and can have rounder shapes.

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Katie - 25-11-2021 13:00

Mis amigas de Inglaterra me regalaron esta planta para mi cumple, y despues de problemas con la entrega y un par de semanas de retraso llegó en un estado regular. Hablamos con Flor España y nos dieron consejos de cuidado para reanimarla y nos enviaron otra planta de regalo, y me han llamado para confirmar que me ha llegado bien. Ya se ha recuperado casi del todo la primera, y la segunda es preciosa. Estoy muy contenta con el servicio prestado! Muchas gracias.


ideal place ideal place
partial shade, indirect light, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, office, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week