sustrato terrario sustrato jardín eterno sustrato para terrarios sustrato info
sustrato terrario sustrato jardín eterno sustrato para terrarios sustrato info
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Do you need a quality terrarium substrate for your eternal garden? We have the best terrarium soil mix available for you! For closed plant ecosystems.
€ 37,95
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terrarium potting soil

This terrarium potting soil is a substrate mix suitable for any tropical or subtropical arrangement. The substrate retains moisture exceptionally well without becoming overly wet, allowing plants to root reliably in it, while springtails, isopods, and reptiles will thrive in it. Its natural appearance makes it a fantastic enhancement to any nature-inspired setup.

dimensions & properties

  • 5 litres
  • especially for: botanical domes or closed plant ecosystems
  • Composition: coco coir, activated carbon, coconut husk chips, sphagnum moss and organic nutrients
  • PH: 6 - 7
  • Conductivity: 40-150 mS/m
  • amount: 1

use and application

This soil is ready to use for your terrarium.

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